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Are Gable Roof Carports Better Than Flat Roof Carports?

Are Gable Roof Carports Better than Flat Roof Carports?

When it comes time to choose a carport, there are many factors to consider. One of the biggest decisions is whether to choose a gable roof carport or a flat roof carport. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is the best choice for you? Here is a look at both types of carports so that you can make an informed decision.

What’s the difference between a Gable Roof and a Flat Roof carport?

A Gable roof is a design in which the roof meets at a point and comes down in two sloping sides, creating a triangle shape when seen front on. The flat roof carport, as the name suggests, has a single, flat level surface. Either style can create a quality carport, but let’s have a look at why you may choose one design over the other.


Gable Roof Carport:

Gable roof carport


Flat Roof Carport:

flat roof car port


What are the benefits of a gable roof carport over a flat roof carport design?

One of the major benefits of a gable roof carport over a flat roof carport is that the slanted surface provides better drainage. Flat roof designs are more prone to water build-up and this can lead to water damage and leakage over time. Consider where you live and what the weather tends to be like to weigh up whether this is a big issue or not. If you would like a nice middle ground, flat roof carports can be built at a slant to help with draining.

How does the shape of the roof affect the overall strength and stability of the carport?

A lot of this comes down to where you’re building. Flat roofs are more susceptible to water and debris build-up, which can lead to structural damage if left unmaintained. A gable roof is stronger in heavy rain and withstands fallen debris like leaves better due to its superior drainage. Flat roofs, however, are stronger against extreme winds.

Barring specific environmental needs, the quality of the materials and the building quality play the most important role in the durability of your carport. We build our carports from Colorbond Steel and aluminium to ensure your carport can withstand the elements.

Customisable Gable Carports

Each homeowner will have their own specific needs and we can customise your carport to suit your house and property. For starters, you have the option of either an attached or freestanding carport. Whichever you choose, we will create a carport that blends in with the rest of your house, fitting in so seamlessly – it will look like it was always there.

When it comes to customisable features, we have a range of colours and designs to match your vision. Not sure what you’re after? We’re happy to guide you through the entire process so that you come out the other side with a carport you love.

Are there any other factors you should consider when choosing between a gable or flat roof carport?


rain falling carport roof


Ideally, you want your carport to strike a balance between practicality and visual aesthetics. No matter how beautiful your new carport is, it won’t be worth much if you can’t park your car in it. Everything from size, colour and other design details will make a difference and are decided on during the planning stages. Regardless of whether you choose a flat or gable roof carport, you’ll need a carport that suits the rest of your house, both in design and colour.

From a design perspective, one style may simply suit the rest of your home more than the other. If the rest of your house is a modern design with a flat roof, a gable roof carport could stand out for all the wrong reasons. There’s also your personal taste and preference to consider. You’re the one who will use this carport every day, so it matters that you like how it looks.

If your home has a pitched roof, a gable carport can be designed so it looks like a natural extension of the house. For those considering selling their house (and even for those who aren’t), this will add curb appeal and value to your home.

The weather conditions where you park your car will make a difference in what the best choice is for you. Every Australian knows that the weather here comes in extremes. As mentioned above, if you park your car in an area that experiences heavy downfalls, you might want to consider your carport’s drainage system in  your design process.


Which style is more popular with homeowners and why?

Flat roof carports are the most popular design with consumers due to their low cost and versatility. It’s the go-to choice for people looking for practicality above all else, and the design works with a wide range of house types. Gable roofs, however, can be equally good looking and are becoming more popular with customers.


What are some of the pros and cons of each type of roof?


Gable Roof Carport

custom gable roof carport


  • It’s aesthetically pleasing – It’s a style that doesn’t go out of fashion.
  • It’s a great addition for houses with pitched roofs in their design.
  • Better drainage – less chance of water build-up and damage.
  • Tends to need less maintenance and repairs than flat roof carports.


  • Prone to wind damage in cyclonic conditions.
  • More expensive to build.
  • Might not be a great fit for homes with flat roofs.


Flat Roof Carport

Flat roof car port



  • Easy to install
  • Tend to be cheaper than other designs.
  • Versatile – can work with almost any house design.


  • More prone to water build-up
  • Water build-up makes them more prone to damage.
  • They can require more maintenance due to the build-up of debris.


The Choice is Yours

The best choice of carport for you will come down to a variety of factors including the design of your home, weather conditions, budget and your own preferences. Whatever roof design you choose, be sure to hire an experienced, reliable carport builder like Correct Constructions so you know you’ll end up with a quality product. We’ve got 25 years of experience and can help you with all your carport needs.

Whether you’ve decided on the carport roof for you, or you’re still weighing up your options, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Drop in or book a consultation today!

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