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Timber Vs Steel Carports: Here’s What Homeowners Prefer

Timber vs Steel Carports: Here’s What Homeowners Prefer

Steel vs timber carports; the great Australian debate. One known for strength, the other for its look, both used for decades to build Aussie carports.

Carports are a popular home addition for many Australians. They offer weather protection to improved curb side appeal. Along with the ability to protect your car, carports can be great for extending your entertainment area, securely storing your belongings, creating an open workshop, or even giving your pets a comfortable place to snooze the day away. When planning your carport, one of the first things you need to decide is what material will suit your space, the main dwelling, the purpose of the carport, and the vision you have for your home’s facade.

The beauty of creating a custom-designed carport is that you can not only choose between a flat roof or gable roof, but also choose your building materials, different colours, and a range of other design factors.

This can quickly get overwhelming!

To help you on your way, we’ve created this guide to help with the difficult decision about which material is best for your home. Read on to discover the difference between timber versus steel carports and which one homeowners prefer.

The lowdown on steel carports

Steel or metal carports are most often made from the famous Colorbond steel, which is known for its ability to withstand Australian conditions without skipping a beat. Steel will outlast most other materials, withstanding rain, wind, snow, heat, thunderstorms and even fire.

In addition, an outer zinc coating can be applied to further insulate your carport to protect against water damage and erosion. Their appearance won’t fade, chip or rot away over time. While steel carports may cost more to install, they need next to no maintenance, and they come in a wide range of designs to suit any main dwelling or exterior appeal.

The lowdown on timber carports

A wooden carport will generally be made with timber forming the foundation and framework, including posts, beams, and rafters. Using treated pine or timber, your carport can be freestanding or attached to the main dwelling and often painted to blend well.

Timber carports are often cheaper to construct than steel, yet they require those cost of ongoing maintenance. The material is prone to temperature expansion, rot, termites and weather-related wear and tear.

Which of these carport materials do homeowners prefer?

While timber has been used for centuries, it’s time for the new kid on the block to take the reins. Steel is the best material for modern homeowners looking for a durable, stylish and safe material to improve their forever home or investment property.

While we love the classic look that timber provides for decks, we’ve never seen a carport go wrong when building with Colorbond steel. And we’ve seen a lot of carports!

Why do homeowners love Colorbond steel carports so much?

Photo of a carport with two cars under

They’re Durable

When you mention steel to anybody in the construction industry, their minds go straight to durability. And for Australian homes, this is no minor perk. A heavy-duty steel carport can withstand extreme weather, from snow to ‘hot as hell’ and everything in between. On the other hand, if timber experiences high structural stress over a consistent period, it can cop a lot of damage and even collapse. A well-constructed galvanised steel carport made by our crew can withstand whatever your local weather throws at it.


We get it; no matter your situation, the budget will probably be the deciding factor. When it comes to an investment such as a carport, certain factors will influence the overall cost, including size, materials, style, features, and installation costs. While the initial output for your steel carport may be higher than timber, once installed, you can redirect your piggy bank to your next project, with no extra maintenance or repair costs.

Low maintenance

Your steel carport will have a greater lifespan than its wooden counterpart. You need to keep an eye on any wooden structure for signs of warping, rotting, mould or mildew, pest infestations, wear and tear or weather damage. Additionally, you will need to book a weekend to repaint and stain the structure every couple of years. Thanks to the infusion of colour during the steel carport manufacturing process, you can put your paint overalls away for good and put your pest control budget to better use. With no susceptibility to mould, rust, mildew or rot and being completely termite-proof, the only time you’ll spend on your steel carport on the weekends is to show it off.

Easy to assemble

Let’s face it; wood is heavy! Yet, despite its strength, a steel carport can often be assembled without the need for heavy equipment or even cashing in a favour with the neighbour. Instead, each unit arrives pre-drilled and ready to erect, prepared to attach to the house or stand freely within a matter of hours.


This isn’t one of the most talked about pros of using steel; however, it is a significant one. Made from recycled materials, you can rest assured that you’re not taking from or damaging the planet when using steel. At the end of its lifespan, it will be reused, unlike wooden carports, which are sadly left to rot or burn when their time is through.


A steel garage or carport provides safety in the face of some of the gravest dangers. A bushfire or car fire would rip through a wooden structure and quickly permeate your home. However, the galvanisation process that steel goes through means it is less susceptible to fire, giving you more time to gather your belongings, protect your loved ones and get your car away from harm.


While timber carports provide a classic, timeless look, metal building structures are the way of the future. Modern homes embrace Colorbond steel not only for its perks but for its look, with your curb side appeal being instantly boosted with a customised, perfectly colour-matched steel carport. Future buyers will love you for it, as will your bank account, and if you’re in your forever home – even better! Your Colorbond steel carport will stand solid and stunning for decades to come.

Ready to boost your street appeal? We can help!

We are proud to offer fast, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solutions to all your carport needs. Put your heart into your home without compromising on quality and function with a customised Colourbond steel carport designed and manufactured by our crew.

Get in touch through our online enquiry form or give us a call at 0458 888 178 to get started.

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